
CompEx 01 – 04
Recognised global scheme for the protection of oil, gas and chemical workers in both offshore and onshore activities.

Attain the skills that meet the requirements of AS/NZS 4761 Competencies for working with electrical equipment for hazardous areas.

Implement the safety requirement based on the suite of IEC International Standards covering explosive atmospheres.
Accreditation Partners
What Our Candidates Say ?
Despite initial setbacks, PT ASET’s unwavering encouragement and expertise propelled me forward. Today, I proudly stand as a testament to their dedication and support, having not only overcome adversity but also met all graduation criteria with flying colors.
To PT ASET, I extend my deepest gratitude for being more than just educators; you have been true mentors in my journey towards success. Thank you for believing in me and guiding me every step of the way.
Pelatihan HV/LV VILT sangat informatif! Materi yang lengkap dan relevan terhadap kebutuhan lapangan. Instruktur yg kompeten dan penyampaiannya mudah dipahami. Sangat bermanfaat, terimakasih.
I had a good training experience with PT Aset. This is my first time getting this training from Indonesia, which is great since I don’t have to travel far away outside Indonesia to renew my certificate. 5 days training for Compex Ex01-04 gave me more insights since a lot of changes happened in the electrical industry for hazardous areas. PT Aset has successfully arranged this training very well and ensured their trainess well prepared for their exam. For those who want to renew or take your first CompEx, you should do it with PT Aset in Batam. Well done, PT Aset!
Selama mengikuti training Compex Ex01-Ex04 di PT ASET menurut saya sangat memuaskan, karena diajarkan dengan instructor yang berpengalaman di bidangnya dan membantu saya sampai saya benar-benar paham.
Selama mengikuti trainning Compex Ex01-Ex04 di PT ASET menurut saya sangat memuaskan dengan instructor yang sangat berpengalaman dan selalu melakukan tanya jawab selama pendalaman materi dan itu semua sangat bermanfaat bagi karir saya sebagai seorang profesional yang bekerja dibidang oil & gas.